8 Common Questions About Tree Lopping in Sydney

Tree lopping is the process of removing tree branches, usually for aesthetic or safety reasons. It can be a controversial practice, as some people believe that it harms trees and can lead to their death. However, when done correctly, tree lopping can actually be beneficial for trees and help them to grow healthier and stronger.

What species of trees are allowed to be lopped in Sydney?

You are allowed to lop or prune most trees in Sydney, however, there are a few exceptions. The following species of trees cannot be lopped or pruned:

  • Angophora costata (Sydney red gum)
  • Eucalyptus hematoma (Bloodwood)
  • Eucalyptus paniculata (Grey ironbark)
  • Syncarpia glomulifera (Turpentine)

Still, there are some restrictions in place regarding the size and type of tree that can be lopped. For example, trees that are listed as protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 or the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 cannot be lopped without a permit.

If you are unsure whether or not you are allowed to lop a tree, it is best to check with your local council.

What reasons are valid for tree lopping in Sydney?

There are a variety of reasons why tree lopping may be necessary for Sydney. Some common reasons include:

1. Overhanging branches

If tree branches are hanging over your home or property, they could pose a safety risk. Tree lopping can help to remove these branches and keep your family safe.

2. Damaged branches

If tree branches are damaged, they could fall and cause damage to your property or injure someone. Tree lopping can help to remove these damaged branches before they cause any harm.

3. Unwanted trees

Sometimes, trees just need to be removed because they are no longer wanted. This could be for aesthetic reasons or because the tree is causing problems like blocking sunlight or views. Tree lopping can help to remove these unwanted trees.

4. Tree health

Sometimes, tree lopping is necessary for the health of the tree. This could be to remove diseased or damaged branches or to thin out the tree so that it can grow healthy and strong.

5. Safety

Tree lopping can also help to make an area safe. This could be by removing branches that are blocking a walkway or path, or by clearing away trees that are unstable and could fall.

What is the safest method to lop a tree?

There are a number of different methods that can be used to safely lop a tree, and the best method will depend on the type and size of the tree being lopped. However, the safest method is to call in a professional arborist. Arborists are trained in tree care and have the necessary equipment to safely and effectively lop a tree. If you attempt to lop a tree yourself, you run the risk of damaging the tree or causing injury to yourself or others.

What are the risks of attempting to lop a tree without a professional?

One of the risks of attempting to lop a tree without a professional is that you could seriously injure yourself. Lopping involves using a sharp blade to cut through branches, and if you're not experienced in doing this, you could easily slice through your own skin. In addition, if you're not careful, you could also damage the tree itself, which would be a shame if it's a very old tree or something similar. It's always best to hire a professional tree lopper to avoid any potential accidents.

Where do I dispose of tree waste?

Tree waste should be disposed of at a local landfill or recycling centre. But, this depends on the area in which you live. Each council has different guidelines for the disposal of tree waste. Some have special collection days for yard waste, while others have drop-off sites where tree waste can be taken. It is best to check with your local council to find out what the guidelines are for disposing of tree waste. And if you have a lot of tree waste, you may want to consider hiring a tree removal company to haul it away for you. To learn more about tree waste management, get in touch with the team North Shore Tree Services. 

Is tree waste disposal included in a tree removal quote?

The answer to this question may depend on the company you are working with and what is included in their services. Some companies may include tree waste disposal in their quotes, while others may charge an additional fee. Be sure to ask your tree service company if tree waste disposal is included in their quote. Many companies will be happy to accommodate your request and include it in the total price.

Can you lop trees for free?

There are a number of organisations in Sydney that offer tree lopping services for free, such as the NSW government's 'Operation Green Light' program. However, these services are typically only available for certain types of trees and in specific circumstances.

In addition, there are other ways to get free tree lopping services. One is to find a tree lopping company that offers free estimates. Another way is to contact your local city or county government offices and inquire about any tree lopping programs they may offer. Finally, you can check with your homeowner's insurance policy to see if it covers tree lopping services.

How much does tree lopping cost?

Tree lopping costs can vary depending on several factors such as the height and width of the tree, the number of branches that need to be removed, and whether the tree is located in a difficult-to-reach area. Generally speaking, tree lopping services can cost anywhere from $75 to $1,000+, with most people spending around $300 on average.

If you have a large or complex tree that needs to be removed, it's best to hire a professional tree lopping service. They will have the necessary experience and equipment to safely and effectively remove your tree. To learn more about tree lopping, get in touch with North Shore Tree Services today.

Our qualified team has over 20 years of experience